Trigger Qualifies for Pup of The Year!!!
Huge Win At Cloghran All Breed Championship Show.
Unbelievable weekend it has been for Carliams . In the Irish Terriers At Cloghran All Breed Championship Show Wolfie (IR Ch, Junior Ch Carliams Red Dawn CJW16) went Green Star Dog & Best of Breed and Pippy (Carliams Fairiesgold) went Green Star Bitch & Reserve Best of Breed to Wolfie. Then Trigger (Carliams Red Alert) went through to win 1st PUPPY STAKES!!!! Qualifying for Pup of the Year!!! , he also went Reserve Green Star Dog. Also in the Welsh Terriers Speedy (Carliams Speedbreaker) went Best Baby Puppy in Breed. I want to thank everybody for their kind words and Best wishes , and id also like to thanks all judges.